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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Name that Key (or Mode), Please

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Flat_the_3rd_n7th - Posted - 08/03/2020:  13:40:41

Ricky Skaggs:

If I had it All Again to Do

I hear the chords in the verse phrases as B-A-E...simile

Then the chorus introduces a D chord.

So is this in key of E or B-mixolydian?  Both have 4 sharps.  But chorus and song fade out in B.  However, D chord doesn't seem to fit in the "B" family, though it is bVII chord for key of E.  Some kind of back-cycling going on.

I suppose it doesn't really matter, but these mountain modal tunes Ricky does are hard to label a key on and I'd like to list it correctly in the repertoire.  

Hope it's not another can of theory worms--thanks.

Brian Wood - Posted - 08/03/2020:  13:49:09

It goes from B Major, then B minor. The D Major chord is relative to Bm. As far as I'm concerned these distinctions have to do with how a tune is notated. That's up to who does the transcription.

pete_fiddle - Posted - 08/03/2020:  14:00:46

Sounds like Bm Dorian parent key A maj. Chords (triads) Bm A and Emaj.

mmuussiiccaall - Posted - 08/03/2020:  19:07:15

Verse: B Mixolydian
chorus: D Lydian

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