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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Knilling Models

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mturc - Posted - 03/20/2020:  14:48:17

So, I got a pawn shop fiddle, including case, etc. I wanted the bow, and the other came along with it. The fiddle is an early 2000's Knilling Constantin Serveny model 75. Needs a setup, but not bad. Romanian, maybe?

I checked the Knilling website and they have a Constantin Sereny model 7Kf and a model 75f? No model 75, but mine might be 20 years old and an older model.

My question is if mine is comparable with one in their current (7Kf or 75f) lineup? I tried reaching out to Knilling and got no response. Anyone know their model history?

Edited by - mturc on 03/20/2020 14:52:55

rosinhead - Posted - 03/20/2020:  16:27:47

All I can find is that someone tried to sell one on eBay for $900 with no luck.  I imagine if you paid $500 or less for it you didn't lose.  They are pretty popular with students and are mass-produced violins.  I believe they come out of Germany though, not Romania.

farmerjones - Posted - 03/20/2020:  16:34:28

Lots of knilling rentals in my old luthier friend's stable. Says alot for the brand. Indeed they typically can be setup to be good fiddles.


Have you ever met Norman Blake? Zat the same Rising Fawn?

Edited by - farmerjones on 03/20/2020 16:38:55

mturc - Posted - 03/21/2020:  06:25:14

Farmerjones, yeah, same Rising Fawn. Met him once. He lives in the valley, but we're on Lookout Mountain in place called Plum Nelly (plum out of Alabama, nelly out of Georgia). Our mailing address is Rising Fawn, but we get down there once or twice a year, at best.

I've heard that both Norman and Nancy aren't doing real well health-wise, but I saw that he played out a couple of years ago, maybe in Chattanooga? I'd jump at the chance to hear them both play again, after this all blows over.

Rosinhead, thanks for the info. I'm happy with the bow, just trying to decide whether to keep the fiddle, whether it's worth spending the money get a set-up on it. I really don't need another one and I just last year did a major closet cleaning.

Hey, thanks to you both. Stay healthy!

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