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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Loop or ball end

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papawhisky - Posted - 01/24/2020:  17:02:10

Noob question. I want to try some new strings and I looked at Piastro Chromcor. From what I see a set is available with a ball end E string or a loop end E string. Should I assume the other 3 strings are whatever the E string is?

DougD - Posted - 01/24/2020:  17:17:07

I've never used Chromcor, but I think the choice is only for the E string. The others will be ball end.

farmerjones - Posted - 01/24/2020:  17:18:20

Most fine tuners accept ball,or loop end strings, with a sort of two toed claw.

If one chooses the ball end, be sure the string pays out cleanly between the toes of the claw. Else-wise, the string could kink and weaken.

I've never dealt with loop and strings, so i would not know weather to loop over 1 or 2 claws. 

Many mandolins have loop end strings. There's typically a single peg to attatch too.

Edited by - farmerjones on 01/24/2020 17:25:19

Lonesome Fiddler - Posted - 01/24/2020:  19:29:52

I strung my first decent fiddle with Pirastro Chromcor. I've gone on to synthetic strings for my "better" fiddles but I still happily use Chromcors on that first fiddle...which I still own and use a lot. They feel good under the left hand. It's easy to get sound out of them (which is something you'll truly appreciate as a beginning fiddler), and the sound they do provide is surprisingly good. Finally, oh yeah, get a Ball End E.

papawhisky - Posted - 01/25/2020:  16:03:47

Thanks for the clarifications!

The Violin Beautiful - Posted - 03/04/2020:  19:14:57

The choice of ball or loop is for the E string, as there are different kinds of fine tuners for the E string. The other strings always have a ball at the end, unless they’re natural gut, where you have to tie a knot.

Ball end E strings fit onto an arm that has a slot in its middle where the string can pass through. Loop end E strings fit onto a tuner that has a hook, such as the Hill style tuner.

robinja - Posted - 03/05/2020:  11:44:36

I use Chromcor strings. The G, D, and A strings are ball end.


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