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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: CodaBow Joule Bow -- Great fit with my Glasser violin

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dhbailey52 - Posted - 10/16/2019:  02:09:47

I just received a CodaBow Joule carbon fiber bow from I got it on an "in-home trial" basis and after playing it for a half-hour I knew I would be buying it. CodaBow claims that the Joule is designed for extend-range instruments and electric instruments. It pairs very well with my Glasser Carbon-Composite Acoustic-Electric 5-string. The balance is excellent, the tone on my violin is excellent. The frog is designed differently than more traditional bows -- most violin bow frogs have a square corner at the bottom but the frog on the Joule is rounded on that bottom corner and is shorter than traditional frogs by about 1/4".

This Joule bow replaces the JonPaul Matrix bow which I ordered when I bought the Glasser violin -- the difference between these two bows is enormous, but then so is the price. The Joule costs over $400 more than the Matrix, but the improvement in playability, balance and tone is worth the difference.

This is the best bow I've ever played except for my wife's hand-made pernambucco bow.

rosinhead - Posted - 10/17/2019:  09:14:23

Congrats on the new bow! I remember getting my first good quality bow and how it changed the game. It motivated me to play more because everything sounded better. Playing more resulted in actually getting better. laugh

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