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Humbled by this instrument - Posted - 07/03/2008:  12:07:45

When the muse strikes me, I record all sorts of stuff. This one's sort of Nicke Creekish? Hmmmmm. I don't know. But I strung together a bunch of motifs and had fun, using arpeggios and long bows and even seemed to hit some harmonies going up and down scales, a rare occurence for me at this stage.

I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, foregone all custom of exercise; and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that--hey wait a minute--doth yonder I see a fiddle. Hamlet.

Twelvefret - Posted - 07/03/2008:  12:38:00

I can see I'm going to have to get that mandolin out from under the bed.

Good playn, bro.


"When Banjos are Outlawed, only Outlaws will have Banjos." Bisbonian

Here is a good site for OT music.

Fiddlescratcher - Posted - 07/03/2008:  18:26:48

Whoa, dude! Tight. Very tight.

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