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ladymuse - Posted - 05/11/2008: 05:24:09
Arghhh! Was going nuts as still have no recording (live)
But! I do have a soundbox that I can (miked) record into - but it converts to digital- (it renders expression kinda nil, though!) LOL!
then I have to upload that and convert to mp3 on the computer - (don't ask me how I figured that one out - call it crazy brains -
Now Kittens on Catnip is a tune that stuck in my head - see the notes description on it and the harmony -
the Comb your hair medley (comb your hair and curl it, Paschal's & Kid on the mountain are tunes I learned decades ago from Robin Williamson - and I still love them! See the description notes -
this is for Rachel, (slip jigs in 9/8) when she was asking about jigs -
You go Rachel! Was a great excuse to start playing it again - now I am hooked!
Edited by - ladymuse on 05/11/2008 05:29:05