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mojo_monk - Posted - 02/21/2008:  13:42:25

So I've been focusing all of my fiddle playing effort towards learning IL tunes, and to once again ensure that I don't take myself too seriously I recorded "Sugar in the Coffee" from Harvey "Pappy" Taylor of Effingham, IL. I learned it from a recording I made of Garry Harrison playing it.

Pappy is the source for loads of excellent tunes - a few of which have entered the "canon" (i.e. Devil in the Haystack, Bonaparte's March, Dixon's Hornpipe), and many more ripe for the proverbial "picking".

Thanks for listening and make sure to check out the ending of this one... It's a dandy


Edited by - mojo_monk on 02/22/2008 11:14:07

TomR - Posted - 02/21/2008:  14:54:48, you've got that strap thing working!! Good job and a lovely ending to boot!

I also enjoy playing that tune and virtually anything from Pappy. I'm amazed at the vast tune repertory he had. Thank god Garry, Chirps, and the ICDB "found" and kept his music going. Talk about a shame if these treasures would've stopped with Pappy and other IL fiddlers they recorded and collected.


mojo_monk - Posted - 02/21/2008:  16:22:07

Originally posted by TomR

...Talk about a shame if these treasures would've stopped with Pappy and other IL fiddlers they recorded and collected.

You've got that right, Tom. Pappy was quite a fiddler - even in his old age. And what about Harry Jones, Noah Beavers, the Fulk's, and the Abbott's to name a few more. I often wonder what they sounded like when they were my age...

We'll have to sit down and saw a few of these tunes out...I guess I need to come out of the closet some time


Edited by - mojo_monk on 02/21/2008 16:23:05

loy - Posted - 02/22/2008:  09:04:30

Good job on the tune's Sean the ending is cool! Take care- Loy

fiddle and clawhammer banjo:priceless

LyleK - Posted - 02/27/2008:  07:14:49

Coming along might fast there! Six weeks and I was still playing in the incinerator room in my college dorm (my original "practice room").

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